What to Expect with Custom Home Builders.
If you are ready to build your own home, but are not sure what the best way to do it is., here are your options. Unless you own a construction business, you most likely have two options. Either you outsource the whole build and let a production home building company handle it for you or you use custom home builders and take a more “hands on” approach.
Custom vs Production
Nearly every new house in Florida is built by these two methods, with the majority done by production builders. They build more houses simply because they function on a large scale. If they are building one house, they are probably building the other 30 around it, using similar materials and designs for all of them.
With production house builders, you will get the cheapest house of a certain size with the least amount of effort on your side, but these benefits come with sacrifices such as limited options of floorplans and general design of the house. You also can’t use your own land; you would need to buy one of their predefined lots.
Whereas, if you use a custom home builder you can choose how much you want to be involved and you can use land you already own. Custom home builders give you unlimited options, whether it is location, floorplan or even the type of tiles in your bathroom. You tell them what you want and they try to accomplish that, instead of only giving you a brochure and telling you to pick one. But this comes at a cost, they work at much lower volumes than the production home builders, therefore materials and labor will be more expensive. But if you feel that you can afford these extra costs and want the freedom to build your dream house, then custom home builders are for you.
A custom home builder will be able to guide you through the process, but there are a few things you should account for. First is the location of where you want to build your home. If it’s an empty lot in the middle of a suburb, then you most likely have easy access to water, electricity and sewage. But if the lot is in the middle of nowhere, far from civilization, you are going to have get all your utilities installed, which may increase the overall price quite significantly. This is just something you should consider when budgeting.
Creating your dream
The best aspect of using custom home builders, is that you are only limited by your imagination and budget. But budget will define what you can create and it will need to closely managed to prevent it from costing too much. The key is using the expertise of your builders; they will be able to take your budget and dream house and find a compromise which suits you. Just like the utilities there will be costs you don’t expect and those costs could cause trouble if you don’t use your experts.
But within your budget you will be able to choose everything from your floorplan to the type of wood your doors are made of. Along the way your builders will advise you on special aspects such as window placement for maximum light and other tricks of the trade. In the end, you will have a house that is yours through and through.